Friday, June 22, 2012

Another Lost Abyssinian?

Today, I received an email from Suzanne who has lost her cat in Menlo Park.  She scours the Craigslist and everyday to see if there is any report of her cat being found.  She told me that there is an Abyssinian in Palo Alto Animal Services (PAAS) that looks a lot like Chai.  I went to PetHarbor and saw a picture of the Abyssinian.  A red/ruddy female.  Definitely a ruddy Abyssinian.  Unless Chai lost weight while she has been in the "wild", this cat may not be Chai.  The one at PAAS had a more angular face, and the outer edges of the letter "M" on the forehead looked more vertical where as Chai's M outer edges are slanted with the bottom points farther out to the side than the tips of M pointing more to the center.(Abyssinians are tabbies and all tabbies have an "M" marking on their forehead, right above their eyes).  Also, the PAAS Abyssinian seems to have greener eyes than Chai.  But at this angle, Chai may also have a greenish tinge to her more amber eyes.

PAAS was closed today, so I could not call or visit.  I will call tomorrow and pay a visit.  I have to see in person to know for sure.  Another reason against this cat being my Chai is that I should have got a call if they scanned her for a microchip and found the information.  Either she does not have a microchip, in which case, the case, the cat is not Chai, or she was acting too wild for anyone to scan her safely.  Or, Chai's microchip may have become defective or have moved to another location in her body rather than staying around the shoulder blades.  I never had her microchip tested, so I would never know...

Here is the picture of the cat at PAAS.  See for yourself if she is Chai or not.  I am not going to have my hopes up to have it dashed and have me fight another round of depression.  I am just going to go to PAAS, with a matter-of-fact emotion, and check her out.  Palo Alto is about 20 miles from my house.  Unless Chai was picked up by someone and abandoned in the lower Peninsula, I cannot fathom Chai traveling this distance...

A Ruddy Abyssinian at PAAS

1 comment:

  1. Hola: Me ha gustado mucho tu blog, tiene buenos e interesantes datos. Quisiera compartir contigo y tus lectores más información sobre la raza de gato Abisinio y un video de imagenes del Abisinio.

    Espero que te guste mi blog de mascotas y dejame un comentario si te apetece

    Saludos desde España
