Somehow, they found a way to get on the tiny ledge on the fence and got to the feeding station:
When I was swapping out the SD card in the trail camera this morning, I noticed that the food bowls were thrown about, and all the water from the water bowl had been spilled. I was afraid that raccoons might have got to the platform. My fears were correct.
Now I need to put up another board to make the back side higher, and put two more boards on the ends of the platform so that they block these bastards from getting to the food. Hopefully, cats can still get to the food, but not these nasty raccoons.
Yesterday, I distributed more door-hangers, this time around the end of Darrell Rd and on Terrier Pl cul-de-sacs. I talked to a few neighbors, but none of them had seen my Chai. Little by little, I will cover most at least a 1-mile radius around my house with the door-hanger flyers. I also put up more flyers on the utility poles around Ridgeway, Kennilworth and Marlborough's hilly neighborhood, and Chateau.
I feel more hopeful when I am actively doing something to find Chai. Just waiting for someone to call me puts me in such a gloom-and-doom mood. I will do more flyers and door-hangers this weekend as time permits.
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