I sent the video to Tina to confirm. She thinks this is the cat she saw but not 100% sure... She mentioned how the eyes were slanting upwards, and this cat definitely has that look. Chai has more roundish eyes. Anyways, Tina said she would keep her eyes open for Chai.
Cat that Tina Saw (NOT Chai)
I will leave my camera there for another week. Then I will move it down to Joyce/Wedgewood/Buckingham area. Probably either inside or right outside her garage where cats are seen eating. Carmen, the elderly lady who has 4 min-pin dogs inside her house and a really old cat living in her garage, gave me permission to do so. After this does not pan out, I have no idea where to set up the second camera. The first camera is still in the secluded area in my backyard. The same black-and-white cat comes to visit every night. Since John fixed the broken fence, I see no more raccoons or dogs (yay)!
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