Monday, April 30, 2012

More Sightings?

The camera surveillance I have at Carmen's house is not capturing any other cat images.  It's just her cat and the black-and-gray tabby.  If I don't see any new cats on video for another day or two, I will move it to the Vista Park area.  A woman called me who lives in that area, who also has a ruddy Abyssinian, telling me that her friend who comes over to her house and is familiar with Abyssinian cats said that she had seen one in her backyard.  She lives on Ridgeway, close to Vista Park.  However, when I called her, she was back-pedaling, telling me that the cat she saw may not have been an Aby, it was a week ago, did not get a good glipmse, etc.  May be she just wanted to be left alone, and she wasn't exactly being helpful.  She did say that the cat ran towards Culebra Rd.  So on Saturday, I did a door-to-door handing out about 20 flyers to the houses around Vista Park, along Ridgeway, Vista, Culebra, and Chiltern.  I talked to a few residents who happened to be at home at the time, and one woman on Culebra said she saw a brown cat when her dog was staring into the backyard and barking at something.  That was a week ago as well. So perhaps, Chai or her look-alike ran from the Ridgeway house to the Culebra house across the street.  At least it's two sightings in that area.  I will need to scope out an area that would be welcoming to a cat somewhere here to set up the camera.

I just printed out a map of the area to hand out more flyers.  There are a few cul-de-sacs in the area and lots of wooded area.  May be she's hanging out there.  If the other sightings were true Chai sightings, she is traveling northeast of home, and she may end up here.  It is a possibility.  It's about a mile from my house.  I will wait for more phone calls after distributing handouts.

In the meantime, I've also made my car into the Lost-Cat Headquarters, not only stocking my car with supplies of cat food, flyers, flashlight, staple gun, duct tape, etc, but also taping florescent posters on both rear passenger windows and the rear window of my Prius.  There is no law against posters on cars, so there.  I don't give up that easily.

The camera set up in my backyard has caught a couple new cats.  One is the same one that hangs around 1585 Black Mountain.  I guess he gets around.  Another one is a calico or tortie, rather bushy looking.  I have never seen this one before.  So new cats are finding the feeding station.  I am hoping that one of these days, Chai also finds food to eat here.

So, as to my plans for the next several weeks, if I don't find Chai during this time, I will distribute more handout flyers to different neighborhoods.  The next surveillance area would be around Vista Park or a street or two to the east of it.  The next spot will be at 1460 Marlborough.  I keep getting calls about a brown cat in this area, and I want to make sure it's the same brown cat which is not Chai.  Maybe there are several brown cats here.

For crying out loud, she's been gone for over 5 weeks, so she better have found a new territory that she is hanging around.  Hopefully, she's staying put in one area so someone sees her on a consistent basis.  Where are you Chai???


  1. Innie,

    You are doing so much to find Chai. I believe she will come home safe and sound, one way or another. Just don't give up looking and keep sending her messages that you want her home soon.


    1. Thanks, Stephanie. It's hard, but I am keeping my hopes up.

    2. hi Innie,

      I came on here again hoping to read some good news. If you don't find her or don't have any new sightings maybe I could drive up there some time next month. My car is not working too well right now and I am caring for some sick kittens I rescued. A few times I have found people's cats they seem to answer to me or come out of hiding places when I call. I feel there is a good chance Chai is in the area you have called she is just too afraid to answer or come.

    3. Hi Stephanie,
      You are so kind to offer to help. Several of my neighbors tell me that they keep looking out for her in their yards, on their walks around town. So far nothing though. I have not had any sightings calls in a couple of weeks.

      I need to refuel and recharge my spirits, so I have taken last week completely off in terms of any active searches. Just calling out for her at night when I come home from work or before I go to bed. Just dead silence. She's been missing for almost 3 months now. Is she still out there? I wonder...

      I would love to get your help my my search. July would be very hectic as work is going to be super busy. I am planning to take a lot of time off from work in Aug/Sep. Perhaps if she does not return to me by then, you can help me during those months?

  2. hi Innie,

    I am hoping I can get my car worked on in the near future then I could make a drive up there. I lost my job in April so it is taking a while to get it fixed. Remember I told you about the cat I found a home for in Mill Valley then it got lost and we drove up there for 42 days looking for it? We didn't have a single sighting of her until I spotted her after all that time and she was mostly all white! She was not far from where I was calling and pretty close to her home. Cats are good at hiding it is their survival instinct kicking in. Sometimes they are very stubborn creatures and don't give a darn about what they are putting us through. I have had times where my ferals have gone missing from my colonies and when I start to get truly worried about them they will suddenly show up. They act like what was the big deal but I got very stressed out! It has happened too many times to be a coincidence and some of them were gone for months. I think the cameras at the feeding stations are a very good idea and any day you could get a sighting of her so no reason to give up hope. Are you putting her favorite canned food there? Keep sending her your good thoughts I believe she will get them!
